Thursday, 25 March 2010


Well, it's been a while since I've written anything, and I realised that I miss reading things back. Also, lately I keep making observations and I'm dying to put it yes, you will suffer it.

A very quick update, when reading other people's blogs I can never be bothered to read really long posts - so perhaps I'll keep this short.

Uni is hectic, my dissertation into injuries in flyball dogs is going great though, I love it! I'm well over the word count though, but I've been able to borrow the high speed shooting SLR to capture some footage of dogs on the box. Did some playing with Jet with her, when I put the ball in I realised her turn needs some tweaking. Good job I have my expert (boxwork obsessed) sources to rely on.

Flyball wise we haven't done much, we competed at Gap Farm and Doncaster (where I was an emotional exam wreck!). We haven't trained much due to bad weather and agility, but Jet is doing well, she seems to get quicker and crazier. I've found shouting her before the box is making her turn much neater as well, so that should be interesting to see what difference it makes to her times.

Agility we have done a couple of shows, Jet has picked up a few top10s in Grade 3 with some not-so-spectacular runs. She went to Waldridge Fell with Leanne in February and apparently caused chaos - but no change there really. We've got Hare & Hounds next weekend for 4 days with loads of classes. I'm camping with Emma in our caravan, and Cat is running Jet in juniors (poor girl!).

In February I went down to Bristol for a few days (mad -me?) and stayed with Char to go to the Smart Clinic for a seminar. It was a fantastic weekend, great seminar and I got to see Nat too! Yey! Also went to Crufts for all four days (again - mad!) with Leanne, and spent a fortune.

Just broken up for Easter and in the process of renewing my passport for the Euros with Nat in July :D Very scary stuff! "Rotherdrax" this weekend!

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